Determining the Date of Assessing the Graduation Projects of Level 4 of the Academic Year 2023\2024

   Under patronage of Prof. Nancy Al-Hefnawy, Acting Dean of Faculty of Computer and Information, under supervision of Prof. Omnia Al-Barbary, Acting Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development; and Prof. Osama Ghoneim, Acting Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Faculty of Computer and Information announces determining the date of assessing the graduation projects submitted by level 4 students.
Assessment starts on Thursday, June 27th, 2024. It is to be informed that each assessment committee include an external member. Students have to consider the following points:
•    Preparing two copies of the project that has already been submitted
•    Signing a report shows that the project is not cited
•    Preparing a 20-minute- presentation including an introduction, aims, a business model, applications, the beneficiaries, and a conclusion of the project
•    Disseminating the presentation on the members of the assessment committee, and the team leader introduces his\her team
•    Wearing a uniform is a prerequisite
•    Projects are discussed with the assessment committees according to the announced schedule
